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C-TPAT 美国反恐认证

      C-TPAT是美国国土安全部海关边境保护局 ( 即US Customs and Border Protection,简称“CBP”)在9 .11事件发生后所倡议成立的自愿性计划,并于2002年4月16日正式实行。透过C-TPAT,CBP希望能与相关业界合作建立供应链安全管理系统,以确保供应链从起点到终点的运输安全、讯息安全及货况的流通,从而阻止恐怖份子的渗入。

C-TPAT is a voluntary program initiated by US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) after the 9.11 incident, and was formally implemented on April 16, 2002. Through C-TPAT, CBP hopes to establish a supply chain security management system under cooperation with related stakeholders to ensure the safety of transportation and information and the circulation of goods from the beginning to the end, thereby preventing the infiltration of terrorists.

      成为C-TPAT成员的好处Benefits of becoming a member of C-TPAT,现时美国进口商、运载商、报关行、货物承揽/货运代理商/无船舶公共承运商、美国本地港口管理当局/码头经营商、墨西哥制造商及CBP直接邀请参加的一批亚洲及欧洲制造商均可申请成为C-TPAT成员。自2002年5月30日起至2004年中,已有超过6500家美国及外国企业申请成为C-TPAT成员 (这代表了近四成的美国入口总值) ,当中4000家已通过CBP审核,获颁C-TPAT证书。加入C-TPAT的主要好处是可以加快处理货运。假以时日,当C-TPAT成员数目不断增加,非C-TPAT成员会发现他们的货运须要通过更多、更详细的审查核验,而所需的处理时间亦没有保证。

At present U.S. importers, carriers, customs clearance agents, cargo forwarding / freight forwarders / Non-ship common carriers, the U.S. local port authorities / port operators, Mexico manufacturers and CBP-directly-invited Asian and European manufacturers may apply to become C-TPAT members. Since May 30, 2002 until middle of 2004, more than 6,500 U.S. and foreign companies applied to become C-TPAT members (which represents nearly forty percent of the total value of U.S. imports), of which 4000 have been audited by CBP and awarded the C-TPAT certification.

The main benefits of joining C-TPAT are to be able to expedite the processing of cargo transportation. Over time, when the number of members of C-TPAT ever increase, non-C-TPAT members will find their cargo have to go through more and more detailed review and verification, and the processing time required is also not guaranteed.


Supply chain security has become a part of global sourcing requirements

Importer / country’s (not limited to the United States, and whether or not C-TPAT) supply chain security concerns will make security considerations to become a part of the procurement requirements. Importers will add responsibility for security on the manufacturers through orders, certificates, codes of conduct, dealers manuals, etc.,

As the manufacturers in entire supply chain, although companies that plan to join C-TPAT will have to invest heavily in security systems design and development, but in the long run it can greatly enhance the competitiveness in the export market to U.S. as well as cost savings. Refusing to join the C-TPAT means not allowed to participate in other trading-favored plans. In addition, CBP also requires non-C-TPAT companies to submit various required documents when goods enter.

发布时间:2014-04-30 10:20:22 返回列表页